Stay safe in the surf: Tips by Craig 'Riddo' RiddingtonA hugely successful and well respected local ironman Craig Riddington has kindly put together a water safety document especially for B&B. He is impressed by what the B&B do and hopes these words may be of use to both new and seasoned swimmers amongst us. Some have hailed 'Riddo' as one of the the 'greatest surf swimmers of all time' so please take 10 minutes to download, read and maybe learn a few things.
Please download the document below, read it and comment below with your suggestions, opinions and recommendations As a swimmer Michael has kindly put together some information which is his opinion only on staying safe in the surf. Please could we encourage you all to read through the document in full by clicking on the download file link above. In summary Michael suggests it is important to:
However, please download the document, read it and comment below with your suggestions, opinions and recommendations, thank you.